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I'm interested in the ministry of reconciliation (2 Corinthians 5:18)

I'm an Orthodox Christian who has found a lovely, sparsely populated corner of the internet where Catholics and Orthodox can discuss the apostolic witness in a way befitting a Christian.

Together we'll share ideas, study a variety of things (patristics, Scripture, saints, books, etc.), and pray with/for one another.

Healing has to take place when brokenhearted, separated people spend time together.
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Who Is Your Patron Saint?

I s'pose, to stay "on brand", as it were, that one way to bridge the divide between us is to become acquainted with one another's saints. If we can see God's grace shine through them, we can certainly be inspired.

Who is your patron saint? Did you choose or did someone choose for you? Why did you choose him/her?

My saint is St. Seraphim of Sarov.

St. Seraphim was a 19th century Russian staretz (holy elder) and monastic. He experienced many miracles in his lifetime and the Mother of God appeared to him several times. He was healed by her and by her icon (Kursk Root icon - look it up) as a child. St. Seraphim was an intense ascetic, always pursuing a deeper spiritual life, and lived as a hermit for a time. He is said to have prayed the Jesus Prayer for 1,000 days and nights while kneeling on a rock in the forest. He befriended many animals, including a bear named Misha who ran errands for the saint. Fr. Seraphim was once beaten nearly to death by a band of robbers who stumbled upon him in the woods; he crawled his way from the hermitage to his monastery and quickly forgave his offenders. He became the spiritual father of many. The saint was found reposed kneeling before his favorite icon of the Theotokos in his cell with many candles lit - candles he lit for all of the people who asked him to pray for them. St. Seraphim is well known for his saying, "acquire a spirit of peace and 1,000 souls around you will be saved".

I chose St. Seraphim because I deeply want to emulate his mercy, prayer, asceticism, faith, and love. I want to grow in my love for the Theotokos like him. Above all, I long to acquire a spirit of peace.

Fr. Seraphim, pray to God for us!

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Forgot the scorpion vid 🦂
Another video

From Tasbeha (midnight praises) this morning

I can’t believe I haven’t posted from the NEC 😱

It’s been a wild ride - very busy with work! But I did get to make one of the Byzantine liturgies! Also, check out this article:

I also got to meet a few peeps: @LuisBare @BrookTrout76 (no clue if I tagged the right people 😂)

This is greatest book I’ve ever read 📚

I can’t believe it’s taken me this long to get to it. Have you ever read it?

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Not gonna lie . . . I stole this from Fr. Charbel's X account

but I've seen it before in many other places :)

"The devil appeared to three monks and said to them: if I gave you power to change
something from the past, what would you change?

The first of them, with great apostolic fervor, replied: "I would prevent you from making Adam and Eve fall into sin so that humanity could not turn away from God."

The second, a man full of mercy, said to him: "I would prevent you from God and you will condemn yourself eternally".

The third of them was the simplest and, instead of responding to the tempter, he got on his knees, made the sign of the cross and prayed saying: "Lord, free me from the temptation of what could be and was not".

The devil, giving a raucous cry and shuddering with pain, vanished.

The other two, surprised, said to him: "Brother, why have you responded like this?"

He replied: "First: we must NEVER dialogue with the devil . Second: NOBODY in the world has the power to change the past. Third: Satan's INTEREST was not to prove our ...

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Live chatted 09/04/2024
St. Isaac rules 🤘

Wrapping up my work day. Let's chat.

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Should the Christian West Restore Its Original Approach to Fasting? Part 3
Why Fasting is an Essential of Mark of Christian Discipleship, the Catholic Church, & the Orthodox Faith

Kyle from Barrel Aged Faith is back again to wrap up our series on fasting! I think he's saved the best for last on this one as we look at the role fasting has played in the ongoing division between East & West, as well as the role it can play in fostering unity. 

As this is a labor of love, in response to all that this community has given me, these articles will be exclusive to supporters. Thank you for all of your support 💛

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Should the Christian West Restore Its Original Approach to Fasting? Part 2
Why Fasting is an Essential of Mark of Christian Discipleship, the Catholic Church, & the Orthodox Faith

In an effort to spice things up and keep fresh content rolling, I asked my friend Kyle from Barrel Aged Faith to share some wisdom with us on the conversation between East & West. Kyle masterfully crafts thought-provoking conversations focusing on the fullness of ancient Christianity in four areas: Evangelical, Charismatic, Orthodox, & Catholic. Last week, Kyle shared the story of how he first discovered fasting as a serious Christian discipline, and how he entered more deeply into that tradition through engaging the more ancient practices. This week, we'll be examining the historical practice of fasting in the Christian West. 

My prayer is that articles such as these will be edifying to your spirit and will cause you to examine your own disciplines, perhaps move you to discuss them with your spiritual father/spiritual director. I also hope that this will shed some light and understanding on the different practices across the great Christian Tradition. 

As this is a labor of love, in response to all that this community has given me, these articles will be exclusive to supporters. Thank you for all of your support 💛

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Should the Christian West Restore Its Original Approach to Fasting?
Why Fasting is an Essential of Mark of Christian Discipleship, the Catholic Church, & the Orthodox Faith

In an effort to spice things up and keep fresh content rolling, I asked my friend Kyle from Barrel Aged Faith to share some wisdom with us on the conversation between East & West. Kyle masterfully crafts thought-provoking conversations focusing on the fullness of ancient Christianity in four areas: Evangelical, Charismatic, Orthodox, & Catholic. Here, in this series, he'll unpack the discipline of fasting - what are the ancient roots of the practice? What caused the divergence in practice between the Catholic and Orthodox traditions? Is this difference an obstacle to unity? 

My prayer is that articles such as these will be edifying to your spirit and will cause you to examine your own disciplines, perhaps move you to discuss them with your spiritual father/spiritual director. I also hope that this will shed some light and understanding on the different practices across the great Christian Tradition. 

As this is a labor of love, in response to all that this community has given me, these articles will be exclusive to supporters. Thank you for all of your support 💛

Only for Supporters
To read the rest of this article and access other paid content, you must be a supporter
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